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Game: 899140

Status: turn 86
Game over, winner: koli (rejoinable quitter [36])
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:3 / path
Stalemate Crusher:
castle carcassonne yellow gate castle carcassonne red gate castle carcassonne tower 1 castle carcassonne tower 2 castle carcassonne tower 3 castle carcassonne tower 4 castle carcassonne tower 5 castle carcassonne tower 6 castle carcassonne west keep castle carcassonne great keep castle carcassonne courtyard carcassonne yellow gate carcassonne red gate carcassonne west shore carcossonne port carcassonne center carcassonne south bridge carcassonne north bridge castle trakai north tower castle trakai gate castle trakai east tower castle trakai west tower castle trakai west keep castle trakai south keep trakai gate trakai east trakai north shore trakai port abbey st. bernardus abt 12 port abbey st. bernardus abt 12 abbey st. bernardus abt 12 bridge black forest east port black forest crowly glen black forest haunted clearing black forest north bridge black forest riverside black forest serfers paradise black forest central bridge black forest hallow be thy name black forest trebuchet meadow black forest haunted pass black forest fairly ridiculous maidens black forest west bridge black forest river bend black forest monks who deal with skunks black forest south bridge blue forest west bridge blue forest battle sight blue forest i hate bob knight blue forest court jesters aint molesters blue forest port blue forest deathtrap blue forest ambush pass blue forest east bridge blue forest ghostland blue forest they will never endorse this map blue forest how gallows can you go blue forest far west bridge castle karlstejn gate castle karlstejn great east tower castle karlstejn south tower castle karlstejn west tower castle karlstejn north keep castle karlstejn center keep castle karlstejn courtyard karlstejn north bridge karlstejn fairy tales can come true karlstejn kingdom come karlstejn west bridge karlstejn southern shore karlstejn south bridge karlstejn gate castle kalmar gate castle kalmar SE tower castle kalmar SW tower castle kalmar NW tower castle kalmar NE tower castle kalmar courtyard castle kalmar center tower castle kalmar keep kalmar north island west tip bridge kalmar north island port kalmar north island center kalmar north island east bridge kalmar east island north bridge kalmar east island north shore kalmar east island south shore kalmar east island south bridge kalmar west island bridge kalmar west island port kalmar west island gate white forest north bridge white forest north river white forest sword swallowers on film white forest magic trix are for merlins kids white forest witch test white forest airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow white forest far west bridge white forest broads with swords white forest cat o nine tails please white forest triar fuck dyslexic white forest island bridge white forest south bridge purple forest northwest bridge purple forest dragon on my back purple forest witchcraft of the rich and famous purple forest broken lance armstrong purple forest east bridge purple forest port purple forest lady of the pond purple forest sickness black forest crazy little thing called death purple forest twin bridges north purple forest twin bridges south abbey ruins grotto of lost bowls the rock stuck around the sword castle kasteel de haar gate castle kasteel de haar south tower castle kasteel de haar NW tower castle kasteel de haar NE tower castle kasteel de haar north keep castle kasteel de haar great keep castle kasteel de haar east keep kasteel de haar east bridge kasteel de haar port kasteel de haar gate kasteel de haar dutch oven kasteel de haar big island bridge kasteel de haar small island bridge kasteel de haar small island north shore kasteel de haar west port kasteel de haar small island south shore kasteel de haar small island east tip castle nueschwanstein gate castle nueschwanstein central keep castle nueschwanstein north keep castle nueschwanstein great hall castle nueschwanstein tower castle nueschwanstein west courtyard castle nueschwanstein east courtyard nueschwanstein gate nueschwanstein north bridge nueschwanstein west lake nueschwanstein east lake nueschwanstein camel toe at camalot nueschwanstein east bridge nueschwanstein west bridge nueschwanstein traveling riverside blues abbey westvleteren 12 abbey westvleteren 12 north bridge abbey westvleteren 12 perfect castle kahn gate castle kahn NE tower castle kahn SE tower castle kahn south tower castle kahn SW tower castle kahn NW tower castle kahn north tower castle kahn courtyard kahns bridge to abbey kahnquistador Kahn leads from the rear if ya know what i mean james kahn Kahn taught Bush everything he knows about strategery kahntagious kahn never had a 3way but he got a 3 river bridge kahns map Wrath of Kahn is the best map castle malbork gate castle malbork great keep castle malbork armory castle malbork NW tower castle malbork NE tower castle malbork courtyard malbork bridge malbork south lawn malbork port malbork gate gray forest west bridge gray forest north bridge gray forest sorcerers trail gray forest south lake shore gray forest dark pass gray forest south bridge
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  6 4 14 3 2 0 0
  2 11 24 4 1 0 0
  4 20 27 9 1 0 0
  3 41 74 20 2 0 0
  [NEUTRAL] (conquered) 0 0
  5 18 24 6 5 0 0
  1 79 127 37 3 0 0
  koli (rejoinable quitter [36]) 11 37 4 4 0 0
Name Value Owner
hallowed grounds 5 not owned
black forest 4 not owned
white forest 4 not owned
castle carcassonne 3 1
kingdom of kalmar 3 not owned
purple forest 3 not owned
blue forest 2 not owned
castle kahn 2 3
castle kalmar 2 4
castle karlstejn 2 1
castle kasteel de haar 2 3
castle nueschwanstein 2 1
kingdom of carcassonne 2 1
kingdom of kahn 2 not owned
kingdom of karlstejn 2 not owned
kingdom of kasteel de haar 2 3
kingdom of nueschwanstein 2 not owned
abbey st. bernardus abt 12 1 4
Abbey Westvleteren 12 1 3
castle malbork 1 1
castle trakai 1 2
gray forest 1 not owned
kingdom of malbork 1 koli (rejoinable quitter [36])
kingdom of trakai 1 1

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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