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Game: 904347
Endless Lands ITD

Status: turn 151
schpere's turn
(not started)
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:1
CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:2 / path
Stalemate Crusher: Lord Tembo schpere KIELBASA Good Times Roll not cwned Donderjaeger Sybesmania unik1 petesyn San Martin TimmyMaj
Biscuit Ita Jeus Paula Anastasia Lemon Juliet Dymph Hedwig Pega Bridget Adel Gamma Faust Flora Geniv Kali Leah Calypso Citrine Spot Daisy Alice Vixen Thimble Tiara Wendy Kyria Eden Fern Bab Lani Rhonda Kiwi Caviar Apple Casey Sage Ghana Gratis Harley Betsy Nectar Olive Erin Krona Lady Amy Buena Acacia Satin Charo Hindi Jane Ivory Mallory Fiji Elvira Gazelle Fay Alley Bri Nola Paige Nanny Britt Posey Peach Annie Dara Cora Dixie Sam Penny Rose Storm Quad Yonna Topaz Pearl Thistle Venus Catina Ivy Joy Ruby Savannah Lava Alta Peanut Brigid Frost Nuzzle Aditi Impala Cathay Berdine Tweety Trixie Dakota Dottie Nova Chloe Nini Inky Jezebel Desiree Lotus Meadow Chastity Petra Midnight Raindrop Heaven Aloha Liberty Maya Munchkin Voila Eugenia Foxy Nugget Anna Bianca Quintina Emily Rosetta Samba Cricket Camie Leandra Kristin Rupee Sake Trin Estrell Freya Houri Chanel Daphne Nyasa Lempira Malta Moira Perpetua Alleu Togo An Vala Waikiki Larivo Tamie Amanda Hazel Qata Cruel Tann Livis Bolma Junol Zeff Fistopi Dampre Bestet Premel Gremlin Alpha Irveto Lumbrigh Charles Demi Alvin Tenaya Ambrea Limont Numbers Darinpot Yetol Crayons China Eve Dulop Pratt Etta Barbia Witchest Vanity Pear Pritz Flint Christian Vesta Delois Madonn Isabell Erlin Brietta Christin Lyn Carene Mandii Retal Paulins Ambrigst Oma Mindelstan Dariel Barbrestan Tananistan Reinany Peluts Carmel Hanneh Loach Ionis Roaxe Vernix Tawana Kyliany Tyfini Baros Doresland Phillist Austor Amweit Finton Bowdish Kish Matteri Jeong Densland Georgen Vernell Daniela Lucretia Gledhill Disher Gaut Bluth Hollenbech Nunueland Oralia Matild Buonocur Kopko Stoffer Amason Demateo Mannis Letti Ebbsland Prideaux Tomlett Candida Siegler Belistio Nasif Sconier Dayer Capitano Renitia Lampri Cathring Heol Polachek Creto Indiecker Brovellos Tenieros Saban Bouska Laberda Almada Broist Hiland Tana Rhodua Unlaro Crospamia Schaar Devincent Chalep Deadra Miccan Wanipo Epple Gravell Joneland Neasin Orejel Katelynn Patmore Gatliff Beatis Ransford Hypkin Doirset Zidek Sayeoso Ukami Maximal Natish Edaska Kit Bonueno Arclictis Riecke Virgen McCaffer Dwire Picknell Ji Waches Trullinger Cairo Hodek Momplais Unjerg Biblet Laviana Trent Bisaillon Arivka Irwino Cassidy Tufo Sadya Wackerly Spilongro Ohotnic Basston Brownland Nett Chirenon Keomand Dolaretska Dolaret Republic of Barnesbul Seber Ruthe Thanes Elinrot Weig Chubbuck Achlen Doedge Minth Netle Kolcherstan Zervas Caplun Biel Jani Pisco Helvani Avers Leriesk Eomany Scholsberg Samsung Tawny Rivka Nuevarn Zucconi Arnspiger Lantieri Llonpre Beau Arient Minich Jimerez Jantz Jos Gente Grima Kai Moons Ewa Calur Saint Ileen Tammera Molinelli Tutrow Kualii Taribel Jayna Lesmeist Mittle Fontus Delsie Natisha Madelynne Hupe Un Abruz Promise Blondil Kitt Gelab Werth Bladzk Latonya Hust Keisha Grev Thiem Caraag Pidgol Nallis Bodden Rottmen Rominal Insley Ferreno Wix Holzech Livbon Magdales Alisa Liggins Leight Malriv Anahaland Calawert Petranlo Diebold Viscaino Dimond Fascarro Daoust Rulieps Rascolz Churnin Saint Redner Bachuss Island Nesbit Republic
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Lord Tembo 50 129 34 1 0 12
  [NEUTRAL] (conquered) 0 0
  schpere 19 65 6 3 0 9
  KIELBASA 14 17 8 3 0 4
  Good Times Roll 4 24 3 3 0 6
  not cwned 223 249 164 3 0 34
  Donderjaeger 14 29 7 1 0 4
  Sybesmania 8 16 6 0 0 5
  unik1 5 22 3 3 0 4
  petesyn 47 115 37 3 0 8
  San Martin 21 53 9 3 0 4
  Castle34 (borgified quitter [51]) 7 13 5 5 -99 0
  TimmyMaj 22 33 15 3 0 3
Name Value Owner
Perlescence 9 not owned
Fotheringham 8 not owned
Gabby 7 not owned
Daft 6 not owned
Bech 5 petesyn
Beinlich 5 TimmyMaj
Blaze 5 not cwned
Charlem 5 not cwned
Hannalie 5 not cwned
Marea 5 not owned
Pamalisa 5 not owned
Ria 5 not owned
Swan 5 Lord Tembo
Uwent 5 not owned
Abra 4 not owned
Breoli 4 not owned
Brooke 4 not owned
Cheyenne 4 not owned
Demastru 4 not cwned
Echo 4 not cwned
Eufemia 4 KIELBASA
Flo 4 not owned
Genesis 4 Lord Tembo
Genie 4 Lord Tembo
Gillo 4 not owned
Goelz 4 petesyn
Hindes 4 not owned
Lark 4 not cwned
Lonnie 4 not cwned
Marla 4 not cwned
Quito 4 not owned
Ruelle 4 not owned
Vistannalie 4 not cwned
Aftan 3 not cwned
Agnes 3 not cwned
Alzena 3 not cwned
Bethel 3 not cwned
Boleri 3 not owned
Camilla 3 not cwned
Chocolate 3 not cwned
Delta 3 not cwned
Desanctis 3 TimmyMaj
Elsa 3 not cwned
Ester 3 not owned
Gorlem 3 not owned
Iprota 3 not cwned
Jinx 3 not owned
Joeckel 3 Donderjaeger
Kail 3 Sybesmania
Lara 3 not cwned
Longden 3 not owned
Narain 3 not cwned
Northern Kimi Islands 3 petesyn
Olga 3 not cwned
Skibich 3 petesyn
Taboo 3 not cwned
Umsteg 3 petesyn
Valeria 3 not owned
Vinatt 3 not cwned
Axam 2 Lord Tembo
Delille 2 petesyn
Guenivera 2 San Martin
Haven 2 not owned
Hope 2 Castle34 (borgified quitter [51])
Juniper 2 not cwned
Levesgue 2 Lord Tembo
Lueta 2 not cwned
Nymph 2 not cwned
Oreo 2 not cwned
Scacco 2 not owned
Southern Kimi Islands 2 petesyn
Alpha 1 Lord Tembo
Gremlin 1 not cwned

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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