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All games that happych is registered in:
Fast Khaos starts 7pm gmt 02-03-24 (completed)
test (completed)
new2 (completed)
new (completed)
LG (completed)
LG (completed)
LG (completed)
LG (completed)
LG (completed)
new2 (completed)
new (completed)
3 idaho (completed)
Adonikland66h (completed)
39 - 7 Islands (completed)
0170 (completed)
fog (completed)
risky (completed)
Blue Monday (completed)
Heart of Darkness (completed)
new idaho (completed)
new2 (completed)
new (completed)
Genos New Kingdom (completed)
Estimated time game Wii end 2028
Romania with everyone ascending trade in
Just finished a 10+ year game and want to break that record
Giantmap 40-8
Giantmap 50-42
A Game That May Never Begin or End
Giantmap 50-41

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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