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Game: 893578
Foggy The walking dead

Status: turn 27
Game over, winner: Redcoats
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CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:3 / border
Note: This game was completed more than 6 months ago and has been archived.
Many features are unavailable, such as logs and messages.
Stalemate Crusher: Redcoats
Quislings Blight The Suicide King Monkey Wrench Smelly Feverish Creeps Blood Hay Hook Off With Your Head Lori Grimes Hammer Tin Can Hottie Zed Head Fire Poker Live Bait Glock 17 Gutted Infected Corpses Lizzie Samuels Tire Iron The Hungry Ones Spoiled Souls Hatchet Skeleton Dragger Bob Stookey Plague Flesh Feeders Shovel Meat Bag Flares Isolation Limbless Lame Brain The Damned This Sorrowful Life Walk With Me Killer Within Bloodthirsty Tyreese Sasha Putrefy Stiffs Biters Shufflers Knife Hounded Reanimated Chest Cavity Chompers Torn Shirt Show Rick Grimes Marrow Munchers Meat Cleaver Decay Rigor Mortis Geek Merle Dixon Eyepatch Say The Word Zees Bone Toothpick Jawbone Prey Laying Lifeless Brain Daddy Intestines Buffet Rotter Abomination Dead Weight Daryl Dixon Crossbow Sledgehammer Machete The Dead Milton Wrench Arrow On The Doorstep Contamination Monsters Skull Munchers Cowboy Hat Mika Samuels Axe Carol Peletier Walkers Roamer Made To Suffer Lawn Edger Brush Axe Disease Gator Machete Pro The Living Dead Ankle Biter Maggie Greene Screwdriver Necrotics Decomposed Dead Missing Mandable Them Crowbar Hellspawn Bitten The Sick Pitchfork Mob When The Dead Come Knocking 357 Colt Python Zeds Crawler No Feet Skull Cracker The Groaners Digging Bar Lurker Dead Heads Sick Hershel Greene Beheaded Katana Straggler Runners Shotgun Cadaverous A Face Only A Mother Could Love Fly Bait Seared Flesh The Governor Michonne Bacteria Bag Seed Baseball Bat Braaaains Pick Axe Maggot Farm Skin Flap Fairytale Torn Flesh Indifference T Dog Corrosion Ghouls Breather Rebar Cracked Ribs With BBQ Sauce Too Far Gone Carl Grimes Risen Bloody Boots Smith and Wesson Scratch Awl Stumbler Riot Gear Burner Cattle Prod Here Piggy Piggy Browning Automatic Rifle Untold Horrors Andrea Feral Fever Fried Brains The Immortals Beth Greene Bloodshot Eyes An Eye For An Eye Drooler Zacks Survivor Glenn Rhee
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Area Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Redcoats 169 0.0 275 0 4 313 37
  Barberserk (conquered) 145 34
  Hidanas (rejoinable [28]) (conquered) -98 0
  bbb31 (left game [89]) (conquered) -99 0
  WorldWarZ (conquered) 43 15
Name Value Owner
D Block 5 Redcoats
E Block 5 Redcoats
Main Yard Entrance 5 Redcoats
Rear Entrance 5 Redcoats
South Yard Breach 5 Redcoats
The Herd Is Approaching 5 Redcoats
Time Square 5 Redcoats
A Block 4 Redcoats
Forest Falls 4 Redcoats
Parking Lot Entrance 4 Redcoats
The Road 4 Redcoats
The Yard 4 Redcoats
West Yard 4 Redcoats
C Block 3 Redcoats
Frightening Fields 3 Redcoats
Main Gate 3 Redcoats
Northern Delivery Entrance 3 Redcoats
Rear Fence Breach 3 Redcoats
Rear Gate 3 Redcoats
Smells Like Death 3 Redcoats
The Governors Tank 3 Redcoats
Under Cover 3 Redcoats
Upper Court 3 Redcoats
Western Corridor 3 Redcoats
Courtyard Bridge 2 Redcoats
Curbside Service 2 Redcoats
D Block Side Storage 2 Redcoats
East Bridge 2 Redcoats
East Lot Breach 2 Redcoats
Eastern Corridor 2 Redcoats
Garbage Pickup 2 Redcoats
Inside Guard Tower 2 Redcoats
Northeast Tower Watch 2 Redcoats
Rear Gate Tower Watch 2 Redcoats
Red And Blue Containers 2 Redcoats
Rooftop Connector 2 Redcoats
Shady Nightmares 2 Redcoats
Southern Fence Line 2 Redcoats
Target Practice 2 Redcoats
The Stables 2 Redcoats
West Bridge 2 Redcoats
West Path 2 Redcoats
A Block Annex 1 Redcoats
Basketball Court 1 Redcoats
Flipped Bus 1 Redcoats
Green Container 1 Redcoats
Gunned Down 1 Redcoats
Hell Hides In Waiting 1 Redcoats
Just Keep Driving 1 Redcoats
Trailer 1 Redcoats
Utilities Entrance 1 Redcoats

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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